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  • Writer's pictureJustine Jones

Color Wheel Challenge!

Color is one of the most used element of art! We are always using color to make our masterpieces AMAZING! Below are some review ideas of color. Print out the pictures and fill them out to practice and learn more about COLOR! Then use the sheets to help you with the challenge below! (BHESA students will receive a tiger token for sending me a picture of their challenge completed!)

Grades K-2 Color sheet:

Grades 3-5 color sheet:

I challenge you! Look around your house and find things in different colors. After you find different objects, make a color wheel with the things you found. Make sure it is in the correct order! I would love to see all of your pictures of your color wheels! Email them to or comment below with the picture! I can't wait to see your color wheels!

Here is an example:

Happy creating artists!

*Sheets used from:

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